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About SodPods® Grass Plugs

SodPods® grass plugs are farm fresh and 100% natural. Each pod contains nutrient enriched soil and fresh grass. Use SodPods® to fill patches in your lawn or get creative with DIY projects! It takes pennies to transform your lawn. Achieve a luxury look on a cost effective budget.

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Endless Possibilties

  • Fill The Spots

  • DIY Lawn Checkerboard

  • DIY Green Walkway

Each SodPod® is a miniature lawn. Just like a lawn, SodPods® grass plugs have roots, soil, and fresh grass blades. It's root system allows for less planting shock, so SodPods® will adopt wonderfully into your yard.

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Get a checkmate with this DIY project that’s fun for everyone! It gives a modern and eye appealing feature to any lawn.

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A green walkway is a great way to upgrade your yard. It ties together the different elements of a yard, while incorporating natural elements. You could also upgrade your driveway!

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sodpods grass plugs