5 Common Challenges in St. Augustine Grass Care
Jamie TedderIf you're a proud homeowner with a healthy St. Augustine grass lawn, you know just how rewarding it can be. St. Augustine grass is known for its vibrant green color and its ability to thrive in warm, humid climates. However, like any other type of grass, it comes with its own set of challenges when it comes to care and maintenance.
Before we dive into the challenges, let's take a moment to understand what makes St. Augustine grass unique.
This warm-season grass variety is prized for its dense, plush appearance and excellent heat tolerance. It's a popular choice for lawns in the southern United States due to its ability to thrive in hot and humid conditions. There are ranges of St. Augustine grass products, including Scotts® ProVista, CitraBlue® , Floratam, Palmetto®, and Seville™, are designed to meet your specific lawn needs.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the common challenges you might encounter when caring for your St. Augustine grass and provide you with valuable tips on how to overcome them.
Challenge 1: Watering
Watering on Installation Day
One of the most critical aspects of establishing a healthy St. Augustine grass lawn is proper watering, especially on the day of installation. To ensure success, follow these steps:
Make Sure the Soil Stays Moist: Once you've completed the installation, the soil should feel damp when you walk on it. This first round of watering is essential for the fresh grass or plugs to establish their roots.
Watering in the First 10-14 Days
During the first two weeks after installation, your St. Augustine grass requires special attention:
Frequency and Duration: Water multiple times a day for short intervals. Depending on the weather, you may need to water 2 to 6 times a day for 4 to 6 minutes at a time.
Ongoing Watering Once Established
Once your St. Augustine grass is established, you need to maintain the right watering schedule:
1-2 Inches a Week: Provide 1-2 inches of water per week. The frequency of irrigation should be adjusted as needed to prevent stress. Stress manifests as dried-out, crunchy, or wilted turf. Keep in mind that watering needs can vary depending on your specific lawn conditions.
Challenge 2: Mowing
Timing of the First Mow (14-Day Mark)
Mowing your St. Augustine grass too soon after installation can harm it. Here's how to know when it's time for the first mow:
Check Rooting: At the 14-day mark, gently pull on the sod. If it comes up, it's not ready for mowing, and you should wait.
Ideal Mowing Height for St. Augustine Grass (3.5-4.5 inches)
Maintaining the right mowing height is crucial for the health of your St. Augustine grass:
Mow Height: Keep your grass between 3.5 to 4.5 inches tall for optimal results.
Challenge 3: Proper Fertilization
Fertilization Schedule
When it comes to maintaining your St. Augustine grass lawn, fertilization plays a crucial role. Here's a recommended schedule:
- Early Spring: Start your fertilization regimen in early spring. This application kickstarts the growing season, providing essential nutrients for your grass as it emerges from winter dormancy.
- Late Spring: Follow up with a second application in late spring. This additional dose of nutrients sustains healthy growth and helps your lawn thrive during the warmer months.
- Fall: Don't forget your lawn in the fall. Fertilizing again during this season prepares your St. Augustine grass for the upcoming winter months, ensuring it has the resources it needs to survive and bounce back in the spring.
Choosing the Right Fertilizer
Selecting the right fertilizer is crucial for your St. Augustine grass. Look for a dry granular fertilizer specifically formulated for this grass variety. We recommend products like Scotts® Southern Turf Builder, which are well-suited for St. Augustine grass.
Challenge 4: Winter Care
Preparing St. Augustine Grass for Winter
As the seasons change, it's essential to adjust your lawn care routine for the winter months, your St. Augustine grass enters a dormant phase, and its growth slows down. Reduce the frequency of mowing during this time to avoid stressing the grass. With reduced growth, your lawn requires less water during the winter. Adjust your watering schedule to accommodate the slower growth rate. Overwatering in winter can lead to issues such as root rot.
Protecting Against Cold Weather
In regions where frost or freeze is a concern, take precautions to protect your St. Augustine grass, cover your lawn with frost blankets or a layer of straw when frost or freeze is expected. This simple step can prevent damage and ensure your grass remains healthy despite the cold.
Challenge 5: Dealing with Newly Planted St. Augustine Sod
Special Care Considerations
Newly planted St. Augustine sod requires special attention during its initial stages of growth. Here are some considerations:
Transitioning to Standard Maintenance
Gradual Adjustment of Watering and Mowing: As your newly planted St. Augustine sod establishes its root system, gradually transition to standard maintenance practices outlined earlier in this guide. A well-established lawn will be more resilient and require less intensive care over time.

Importance of Consistent Care
Consistency is the key to a vibrant and thriving St. Augustine grass lawn. By following the guidelines and tips outlined in this guide, you can achieve a healthy, green lawn that enhances the beauty of your outdoor space. St. Augustine grass maintenance can truly transform your outdoor space. We hope that our exploration of the "5 Common Challenges in St. Augustine Grass Care" has provided you with valuable insights and actionable solutions.
Whether you're dealing with winter care, newly planted sod, or general maintenance, Bethel Farms is here to support you every step of the way. Our range of St. Augustine grass products, including Scotts® ProVista, CitraBlue® , Floratam, Palmetto®, and Seville™, are designed to meet your specific lawn needs. Ready to transform your lawn into a St. Augustine grass paradise?
Contact Bethel Farms today for expert advice, top-quality sod, and all the support you need to achieve the lawn of your dreams. Let's make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood!